This video titled “Living in the Lights,” which is directed by Baja 500 winner Mouse McCo, is an outstanding feature on the BMW M3. Production crew Bandito Garage produced this video as part of its marketing effort to attract more business. “Extreme situations” are what the company specializes in. Furthermore, it promises a “one-stop shop” that refines the process of producing industry-leading content for commercials, content footage, branded entertainment, and product placement by servicing all of these needs under one roof. No effort or expense was spared in making the video. The car was shot in at least 15 different angles to get high quality action footage. The company recognizes that Pursuit Systems Division is a major contributor to the video quality as it provided “state of the art camera cars and gyro stabilized Pursuit Cranes..” Kudos are also in store for the editor who did an excellent job stitching the shots together. The film is clearly inspired by the 1976 Claude Lelouch short, “C’était un rendez-vous.” All in all, the film is truly convincing and made viewers wish they owned that car.